Greenfit Ppr Pipes & Fittings
Greenfit Ppr Pipes & Fittings is not about creating products that are different but providing solutions that make a difference. From our zero defect manufacturing process that involves using recycled plastic to designing and equipping our plants with solar panels and various other energy saving manufacturing techniques, our endeavor has always been to further bring down the emission levels. Our strong belief in the concept of "better lasts longer" has not only helped us deliver premium quality products but also ensure lesser consumption. Together with our channel partners and plumbers, we are sure to leave a strong legacy for the generations to come.

Features And Benefits:
• Lighter than conventional C.I pipes but strong
• Very smooth internal bore, Efficient disposal and allows for more hydraulic capacity
• Very long operating life, more than 50 years
• Easy to maintain after installation for inspection, cleaning & repairs
• Long working life (if operated under normal/recommended working conditions).
• PVC is resistant to chemical reactions from the chemical acids, alkalis & salt solutions present in soil and waste water
• No sediment formation due to very smooth bore
• Compatible with other drainage products
• Leak-proof joints
• Cost-efficient
• PVC is self-extinguishing
• External surfaces are resistant to the activity of concealed or ground waters, and they are also resistant to harmful chemicals
• Microbiological resistant
• Easy to install with low assembly force
• Rubber ring joints allow provision against thermal expansion & contraction
• Light weight and easy to transport
• Completely resistant to pitting & general corrosiont
• Resistant to stray currents, PVC is a non-conducting material
• Inside & outside building drainage systems, including ventilation
• Rainwater discharge & harvesting for residential & commercial buildings
• Industrial buildings and public utilities