Corefit Corrugated Pipes & Fittings
Corfit DWC* Pipes are manufactured using HDPE polymer. These pipes are resistant to various types of gases & chemicals which are generated due to putrification of various ingredients flowing in the system. Corfit DWC* Pipes are manufactured as per IS 16098 (Part-2), have a smooth internal surface and corrugated external surface. The corrugated external surface provides greater stiffness, withstands soil movement & takes higher loads (static & dynamic), whereas the internal surface helps in smooth flow of sewerage.Corfit DWC* Pipes are available in SN 4 and SN 8 stiffness classes with sizes from 100 mm to 1,000 mm ID. These pipes have a standard length of 6 metre and are available with rubber ring jointings.
Currently, pipes that are widely used for underground non-pressure drainage & sewerage applications are made of RCC & Stoneware (Clay Pipes).
Due to their rigid nature, when embedded, these pipes experience severe stress because of the earth pressure & dynamic load which results in cracks and leads to system failure. In extreme cases, the pipe may collapse.
RCC or Stoneware pipes are generally available in 2 metre length thereby leading to more number of joints. As these pipes are heavy, during installation machines are required to lift & lay which is cumbersome.